Ban These 7 Items from Your Gift List – What Not to Get Dad
For me, it really seems that having the Father's Day holiday in June is the perfect time for this celebration. Summer is in full swing which means outdoor activities like taking care of the lawn, home repairs, perhaps hitting the links or hanging in the backyard telling stories and cooking up delicious meals on the grill. He may even be tipping back a cold one on the deck while regaling everyone with stories and jokes that really only a dad can tell.
Honoring Dad with Useless Gifts and Things He Will Never Use
As with mom, there are certain items that every dad should expect to receive at some point. Handcrafted items, cheesy cards and more are all part of the day. But what does dad not want this year?
7 Items That Can Be Left Off the List for This Year
When the kids start asking what to get dad for this year, try to steer them away from those generic things.
Unless dad is really into fitness and exercise, getting him the latest workout watch probably isn't going to work.
Same as above. Unless dad is specifically asking for one of these items, scratch this off your list for this year.
I really don't need anymore clips, erasers, pen sets or desktop fun games to clutter up an already messy work area. Besides, the office supply closet will have everything that would be needed. Scratch it off the list!
I agree with this assessment, but only to a point. Every dad needs to have at least one of either the car from Old Spice, or the green bottle from Brut. Once that is accomplished, scents should really be the wearer's preference.
An entire cupboard full of them. I still only use like 2 of them. Maybe 3 if my favorite cup is in the dishwasher. No. More. Mugs.
I love golf. I love getting golf stuff. But when it comes to tees and balls, well, I can only haul so many things in my golf bag! If you only use a couple of tees in a round, how many would you have to play in order to go through a 500 pack of them? A lot!
For me, this also falls under the same category as exercise. Unless specifically asked for, dad already has an entire rack of these in the closet.