I’d Do Anything For Love, But I’m Not Sure About These 10 Things For Taxes
Is this the worst time of the year? I think the only thing that may top it is that first snowflake of the year after an awesome year of golf or camping. You just don't want it to come. Just like tax season. You just don't want it to show up. Hopefully, maybe you have already filed and will see a small windfall for the spring. Or perhaps you have been waiting to put off that bill to the big guys in Washington. Either way, have you ever considered what you would give up or do to never have to pay taxes again? How far would you really go? To what extent or extreme?
What Did People Say They Would Consider to Never Pay Again?
Couple of things about the internet; there is never a lack of polls to take, and 2, there is never a lack of comments from the public that will always give you a chuckle. This survey is no different! Wallethub gathered intel from their poll about what exactly people would give up or do just to never pay taxes again. As you may have already guessed, the internet did not disappoint! So, let's dive in and see what our favorite 10 were from the list. What would you do to never pay taxes again? Hit us up on our socials, our app, or you can email me here.

Have You Ever Thought About Never Paying Taxes Again?
How Do Other States Fair in Taxes? Check The List of Gas Taxes!
Ever wonder if we are paying more than our fair share when it comes to gasoline taxes across the country? Check out this gallery of taxing in each of the states to compare where we are compared to them!
Highest Gas Taxes By State in the U.S.
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