Funny In Movies, Terrible in Your Yard – Getting Rid of Ants
Have you encountered this predicament as of late in your yard and lawn? Those darn ants are back this year in Great Falls, and they are here with all of their friends and families. My backyard and front yard are both inundated with these creatures. Small hills, big hills and even a motherlode hill all have set up shop and think it is the best location on the planet.
The Like and Love and Hate of the Insect We Call an Ant
Depending on the type of flowers you have across your yard, sometimes having ants hang around can be a good thing. Think about the peonies that you have planted. Ants are a necessity in making them their best. However, when they invade the yard, we have different thoughts. How do you go about it? It's time to get chemical with them, and we have your mixing goodies to make it the best.
Getting Down to Business with Ant Hills and Getting Them Out of Your Yard
Where to start is a somewhat easy thing to do. Find the main ant nest. Observing your ants can lead you to the main location of the nest, working from there will make things much easier.
While you may want to "kill it with fire", you don't want to risk damaging your lawn. Using a biological nematode is much better than some chemical or pesticide-based applications. Nematodes are basically small, microscopic creatures that act as parasites to drive away ants from the main nest and others that have popped up across the lawn.
Finally, once the nest has been abandoned, you should then dig it up and place it in your dumpster to be disposed of. Ants will return to gather any leftover eggs and relocate to another spot in your yard if you don't dispose of the original location.

Want a better bug in your yard? What about butterflies? Here are some great ways to attract these beautiful creatures to your backyard.
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