Does Montana See Double More Than Other States?

Twins.  An exact replica of the other.  It is a fascinating concept that there really could be two of someone out there.  I don't mean your doppelganger.  I mean your actual twin.  You know, like on that gum commercial.


The miracle of twins even permeates into our television shows.  Several over the years have become mainstays in our rerun channels.  Think the Olsen twins.  They still are continuing to be stars.  But what about where Montana ranks in twinning is a bit of a surprise for me.

Montana Rides in the Middle of the Train on This One

When it comes to rankings across the United States, Montana sits at the 29th position for twins being born.  The National Center for Health Statistics says that regarding twins being born:

The rate of twin births increased in recent decades, soaring by 76% from 1980 to 2011. Despite the near record high rate, twin births remain relatively rare, accounting for just 34 out of every 1,000 births in 2016.

Montana itself has about 33 out every 1,000 births.  In the last census of twins from 2016, Montana had 1,231 births resulting in twins.  Seems like a lot of them, doesn't it?  Not really according to the data presented.  We still sit in the middle, compared to number one at over 41 out of 1,000 births.  Connecticut leads the way, with over 4,400 births for 2016.

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Factors That Affect the Results of Twins in the United States

There are several at play here.  Naturally the total population of your state is a given.  But there also others that may be why Montana is behind the averages.

Twin births are more common for older women.  Could it be that we are having children at a younger age, rather than waiting?  It could also be due to ethnicity in our state.  Montana has an amazing history of Native Americans, with almost 7% of our population represented by them.  Birth rates of twins are extremely low with Native Americans however, as they are with other ethnicities such as Hispanic and African Americans.


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