5 Major Attractions I Would Love to See in Great Falls, Montana
I would dare to bet that if you asked a resident of Great Falls what they thought the city needed to attract more people, business and money, they would say something along the lines of "better shopping" or "better food", maybe even "stuff for young adults to do". While those are important things, they don't necessarily define the city to bring traffic off the interstate or highway. What would it take to make people stop? Would a Red Lobster sign be enough? Outlet shopping mall? For some perhaps, but that wouldn't begin to make a mecca of Great Falls for tourists.
What Does It Take to Make Them Stop & Pull Them into Great Falls?
While seeing our city grow is important, so is tourism. However, they are two different things in bringing in new citizens or simply dropping cash at our local businesses. In this article, we will focus on the latter. We need something that will bring them here for entertainment. Make them spend money and tell friends or family what a great time they had for the weekend or a vacation in our fair city.
Read Here About The Top 10 Places For Your Visitors To Enjoy
Quite A Few Choices, But Which Is the Correct One for Our Town?
Two of the largest comments are regrading music venues and the artists they book, or the lack of any other sports team in town besides baseball. Here are 5 of my major attractions that I think would fit in Great Falls to bring in tourism. Have other ideas? We would love to hear them. Contact us through our appchat feature with the downloadable app, comment on our social media or email us here.