You Gorged Over the Weekend – Now the Regret Sets In
Honestly, it really doesn't matter what holiday it is. Each of us probably enjoy ourselves a little more when they roll around. Mainly, the candy effect hits, and we don't realize just how much or many of those little chocolate bunnies or jellybeans we managed to stuff down the gullet. When waking the next day, that guilt trip sets in and it's then that we realize that we are going to need to work off some of those marshmallow nuggets of joy.
Besides Halloween, Is Easter The Worst For Candy?
While some holidays are more about actual food, whether that is ham, turkey or a prime rib, these are the items generally associated with holidays. But for celebrations like Halloween and Easter, they lean entirely on candy to be the gorge of choice for people. So many marshmallows, chocolate, flavors of jellybeans and so many plastic eggs filled with all kinds of different ways to find your sugar rush.
So, What Is It Going to Take to Work Off All Those Candies?
If you did imbibe a little too much over the weekend, you probably want to take some extra time this week to get back into your summer party shape. Check out what it's going to take to work off those calories:
- The Cadbury Creme Egg - With 170 calories, it will take 15 minutes of biking or 20 minutes of jogging to wear just one of those off!
- One Large Easter Chocolate Bunny - With 1050 calories, one hour of mountain biking or 20 minutes of high intensity training. Or 30 second sprints for 30 minutes
- Chocolate Marshmallow Bunnies - At 384 calories, it is a one hour walk for these
- Hallow Chocolate Easter Eggs - 700 calories will cost you 3 hours of gardening
- Jellybeans - 15 of them is worth 160 calories meaning hitting the bicycle for 25 minutes to burn them off
- Marshmallow Chicks - 5 of these are worth 140 calories and needing to walk 39 minutes to burn them off
No matter how you enjoyed the holiday with your candy, a little work may be ahead of you in the next few days.
Worried about that diet? Here are some great tips about adding whole grains to your everyday meal plans.
The 10 Highest Protein Grains to Add to Your Diet
What about getting those vitamins? Iron is a core need for everyone; if your curious about how to go about it, check out the gallering below for more details.