I Am So Glad We Are Behind the Times in Montana
In Montana, we seem to be just a bit outside of the cutting edge of what happens in today's times.
Some people would consider that a burden. Others, like me, find it somewhat refreshing to be just behind the latest trends that pop up across the world wide web.
I mean, I am certainly glad that there wasn't the proliferation of phone cameras everywhere like they are now. I can't imagine what my parents would have thought or how much bail money they would have had to come up with if they knew just a portion of what was happening.
Challenges That Are Wreaking Havoc with Our Children
The social app TikTok is probably a familiar one if you have younger people around you. The latest video that has gone viral is the latest way to have your 15 minutes of fame it seems. But these challenges have gotten out of hand in recent years, some even leading to death.
Thankfully, these trends seem to take some time to hit us in Great Falls and in Montana itself, so we haven't had to deal with a tragedy as of yet.
The Latest Craze Is an Oldie but a Goodie, Trying Hot Stuff
Getting dared about something can really bring out the bad in certain people. Some folks just can't back down from a challenge. However, those challenges can lead to death. One of the latest to hit the web is the "one chip challenge" which involves eating a potato chip dipped in some of the hottest peppers known to man.
Recently, a teenager tried this challenge and was taken to the hospital where he later passed away. Tragedy just for eating a chip.
The company that makes the chip, Paqui, has now pulled those from shelves and the world wide web. They even went so far as to post to their own website:
The Paqui one chip challenge is intended for adults only, with clear and prominent labeling highlighting the chip is not for children or anyone sensitive to spicy foods or who has food allergies, is pregnant or has underlying health conditions.
They followed that with:
We have seen an increase in teens and other individuals not heeding these warnings. As a result, while the product continues to adhere to food and safety standards, out of an abundance of caution, we are actively working with our retailers to remove the product from shelves.
Hopefully this ends the challenge of trying one of these crazy chips. But I fear that we aren't through seeing stupid challenges pop up on any of the social media sites.