Great Falls Senior Center In Urgent Need Of Help
Great Falls Senior Center In Urgent Need Of Help
As 2023 begins to wrap up and we look ahead to 2024, one common theme into the new year is resolutions. Have you made one as of yet? Have you given thought as to what type of resolution you might make?
Sure, there are common resolutions such as better health, better financial choices, and better time for you. Have you considered volunteering in the new year as part of a new you?
The Great Falls Senior Center Could Use Your Help Immediately
If volunteerism is part of your resolution in 2024, the Great Falls Senior Center is looking for help to wrap up the year and get into the new one before having to cancel any programs that they offer.
In a post on their Facebook page, the center states:
It is again that time to find out who out there is available to be a one day a week volunteer or be hired in a Kitchen cooking position for 2 days a week (12 hours a week). Our Bingo program is looking for a couple of bingo callers and money collectors to assist the program; if it doesn't happen, we will be forced to reduce the bingo program to maybe twice a month.
Programs Not Only Reduced But Could Go Away Altogether
Being short-staffed could also mean some meals may need to be canceled if a volunteer can't make it currently, including entire weeks. Other programs could be canceled completely:
Without adequate volunteer and paid help, closing the kitchen during the week if people are ill WILL be the unfortunate result. The other unfortunate result could mean the end of the Thursday Night supper club.
How To Volunteer Or Apply With The Great Falls Senior Center
The center is located at 1004 Central Avenue in Great Falls. Applications for cook are available during regular business hours with employment based on interview. If interested in becoming a bingo caller, simply stop in during a Saturday bingo session and talk with any current volunteer to find out more.
The center is also looking for any volunteer help from dishwashers able to work 3-4 hours for one day per week.
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