5 Tips For Saving Money For This Montana Holiday Season
5 Tips For Saving Money For This Montana Holiday Season
Holidays are supposes to fun, not stressful. The main culprit behind the stress is, of course, money. I just hear today that 36% of people are still paying on the debt from Christmas of 2022. WOW. If you have to go into debt for the Holiday's, you need to rethink the value of those gifts you are giving out. Or cut that list down. Heck, I would go with a nice Christmas card, and no gift.
Even if you have the money to spend on all those Christmas gifts, it is always nice to not spend as much as you planned. So here are a few tips to follow that will save you some cash.
#5 Budget
Figure out what you can afford and stick to it.
#4 Making A List
Write it all down, everyone you need to buy a gift for. Then stick to that list. Overspending tends to happen when don't follow a list.
#3 Get Notified
Check your favorite retails websites and look into getting signed up for notifications when certain products go on sale. Have the sales sent directly to you.
#2 Redeem Points
You could be sitting on a gold mine with loyalty points. Check your credit card rewards program and redeem points if available.
#1 Get Crafty
Try making gifts this year. Pintress has some great ideas on how to make homemade Christmas gifts for one person or a group of people. These gifts tend to be cherished a bit more that store bought gifts.
I know Christmas is pretty much here but you never know what savings are out there unless you try. And for next year, start the gift shopping process earlier and follow these tips.
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