Fake Persona Syndrome – Why Do Music Artists Do This?
The following statement is probably going to rub a few people the wrong way. But I am going to say it anyway.
Garth isn't that great.
Yes, that Garth. The guy who turned country music on its proverbial ear back in the 90's and set in motion a tidal wave of new artists coming into not only country music but crossing genre's boundaries for any format.
Hold On! Don't Go All Papa Loved Mama on Me and Fire Up Your Email, Yet
Let me clarify a little bit of my above statement. While I am not the biggest fan of Garth, I do understand the huge contributions that he has made. He is a great, if not one of the best in putting out an incredible live performance. His energy and enthusiasm are lore in concert settings. His musicianship on the other hand, well, not so much for me. I think there are many a better singer out there.
Why The Need to Have An Alter Ego In This Business?
It was recently announced that Garth Brooks would be bringing back his rock music(?) persona Chris Gaines and subsequently be releasing more albums as this person. Why? Why the need to change your name and an alter ego? It's not like we don't know who this guy is. Why not take the Dolly route? She'll be putting out an album of rock inspired music. Carrie Underwood is teaming with Guns' Roses. Artists like Hardy and Jellyroll aren't changing their names. Even the rock band Staind and their lead singer Aaron Lewis has a country side to him, but he is still performing under his real name when doing so.
Are you looking forward to new music from "Chris Gaines"? I probably won't be waiting anxiously for this to drop any time soon, but I know many will. What is your take? Why is Garth doing this now when it failed so badly back in the 90's? Is it because he is bored? Needs a new ranch to hang with Tricia at? Let us know in the comments of our socials or with the appchat feature in our downloadable app.