Which person are you going to be for April Fools?  The one pulling the pranks or the one having the pranks pulled on?  If you tend to be the one getting pranked, it's time to turn the table.  And these simple pranks don't require you to keep a straight face or even show your face to your victim.  You will only need your cell phone.  Here are the top 5 April Fool's Day pranks you can pull over a text!  Easy enough.

#5 Oh Rats

You will need to make something that resembles a rat's tail.  Place it under the fridge with some sticking out.  Take a pic and send to another member of your household.

You: There’s something under the fridge.  What should I do?

Them: What is it?

You: Looks like a rat!

Them: Is it alive?

You: I don't know!

Them: Poke it with a stick.

You: No!

Them: I'll take care of it when I get home.

You: Gotch Ya!  (take a selfie with the tail & send)

Canva Photo By: Picelshot
Canva Photo By: Picelshot

#4 The Rick Roll

Text a friend "OMG, look at what has happened in our town!" and send them this Breaking News link.

Canva Photo By: Stationary Traveller
Canva Photo By: Stationary Traveller

#3 The Text.  Then Leave.

Send a worried text to a friend and don't respond.

Where is your fire extinguisher?

Do you know what to do if a microwave explodes?

Do you know what to do if a goat gets into your house?

Canva Photo by: TRMK
Canva Photo by: TRMK

#2 Snapchat Story

Send a text to one of your Snapchat buddies asking, "Did you mean to post that?"  Then don't respond.

Canva Photo By: towfiqu ahamed
Canva Photo By: towfiqu ahamed

#1 The Police Were Just Here

This one might make a friend a little upset.  Send "The police were here looking for you" and again....don't respond.

Canva Photo By: Kali9
Canva Photo By: Kali9

How ever you prank....prank well.

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