Thomas Rhett’s Wife Gave Him the Sweetest Anniversary Gift — Taste of Country Nights, On Demand
Evan Paul hosts Taste of Country Nights, On Demand, a weekly country music interview podcast that focuses on the music. Follow wherever podcasts are found, like Apple Podcasts and Spotify and leave a rating and review. This show is part of the Townsquare Media On Demand network.
In October, Thomas Rhett and his wife Lauren celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary. She made him the sweetest gift.
Thomas Rhett has been on the country music scene since about 2012. Since then, his storied career includes everything from Grammy nominations, to CMA and ACM Awards and about 18 or so No. 1 songs. He has been married to his wife since October 12, 2012, and before that they were childhood sweethearts. So, what do you get someone who has everything they need and want, for their anniversary?
That dilemma fell right into the hands of his wife, Lauren Akins, last month, and I spoke to Thomas about the gift exchange he and his wife had for their recent anniversary. He explained to me that it was their diamond anniversary, so he did what any man would do, hit the jewelry store for a diamond ring for his wife. She loved it.
When it came to what Lauren got for Thomas, he explained to me that she is way better at thoughtful gifts and she hit a grand slam on this one. Listen at about the 13-minute mark below:
She made him a giant book that went through all of the years that they were married, and for each year, there was a gift. For this year, she got him his very own custom horse saddle. Thomas was telling me that they had just got some horses at their farm, so he was very excited for such a thoughtful gift. Thomas said his wife goes "really ham" on gifts, meaning she goes all out, and he is not the best gift giver.
I had about 15 minutes to spend with one of country music's biggest superstars. We got a chance to talk about everything from being a girl-= dad and touring with a family and what has changed with touring with his family now that the kids are older, to who his major influences were when he first hit the country music scene and what they taught him to pass down to future generations of country artists.
Check out the entire interview with Thomas Rhett for yourself, just search for Taste of Country Nights, On Demand Episode 62 with Thomas Rhett. Make sure you give us a like, subscribe and rating as well, that all helps out and we appreciate that so much.
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