This Can Not Be Happening in Great Falls, Is It?
C'mon Great Falls, we have to be better than this. We shouldn't need to see this in our city, ever.
But it is happening, all over the town, however, you can help eradicate it.
This time graffiti isn't decorative or downtown enhancing. It's an eyesore that needs to go away quickly.
Enjoying The Downtown of Great Falls Is Getting Better
The beautification of our city is an ongoing process. With new businesses building downtown, bringing in new foot traffic, murals being done across the larger buildings help brighten the entire town.
But now, Neo-Nazi stickers have been spotted everywhere in the area and across Great Falls. They've been placed on road signs, stop signs and even some reportedly have been seen on some of the new art installations.

Have You Seen These Recruitment Stickers in Your Area?
According to WTF406.com, these stickers started appearing across the Great Falls area about two weeks ago. Mostly in the downtown area, but also on other signs around town.
This is crazy in our town. With drug and crime problems prompting a possible public safety mill levy, this is the last thing we need to add fuel onto the fire. You can help though by reporting these stickers, fliers or any type of propaganda deemed offensive.
The Montana Human Rights Network is where you can report these types of incidents with their easy form here.
So, I say it again: We have to be better than this Great Falls. Reports these sightings as soon as possible and help remove them from our street signs or wherever you may encounter them. Please! This is something that we definitely do not want or need in the Electric City.