Rides, Food and Fun and Family at the Great Northern Fair
Summertime is in full swing, and it means that many people have been in full swing to get things ready to head for all of the fairs that happen across Montana. Many are happily and busily bustling in their garden for the best peppers, lettuce or carrot. Kids are wrangling the stock to show. There may be a blanket or two that are being quilted while you are reading this. It's fair time across the state.
Time To Get Things Rolling on the Highline in Big Sky Country
Pack up the car with family and friends and get set to head to Havre, Montana for the annual Great Northern Fair at the fairgrounds. The action is set to start on Saturday, July 19th and continue through the 23rd. With tons of free and paid events, plus the carnival, this is a must to get you going and started on your "fair mode" for the year.
Finding Something for Everyone at the Great Northern Fair
Whether it's horticulture, photography, paintings or seeing how many rides you can get in for the day, you will have all kinds of activities to keep you occupied.
Free music acts are available, food abounds everywhere and there are even separate parties to attend including the Great Northern Beer Gardens and the Rodeo After Party. There will even be truck pulling going on.
Mark your calendar now for the Great Northern Fair in Havre, Montana.