Montana Ranching Traditions – 10 Things to Know About Branding Livestock
Every season has its' own specific thing that needs to be accomplished. When it comes to ranching in Montana, spring leads us into many different aspects of the out west life. It may involve loading up the fencing truck to repair fence lines that were taken out by winter storms, wildlife crashing through, or even a bull deciding that the other pasture looked better. But before you get them out to those pastures, the cattle and livestock need to have an identification to them. Branding season is here in Big Sky country.
Getting Dirty, Getting Stomped On, But A Once in A Lifetime Event to Attend
If you, like me, grew up in the ranch environment, you know exactly what will be happening on that day. A lot of work, sweat, probably some blood, cold beer, the best chuckwagon meal you will ever have and a lifetime of stories to tell about it. But if you aren't familiar with what happens branding day, we have a couple of things that may help you out if you get invited to a branding event at a local ranch.
Might Seem Like Just a Good Time, But This Really Is a Job for the Ranchers
Before we start breaking down the day, there is an important reminder and rule to keep in mind if you are invited to help out. It's work. It's life. It has to be done. While good times are had, it is a job that these folks are doing. Listen, pay attention, stay out of the way if you don't understand something and don't worry about how many washes it will take to get out whatever that calf wiped on you.

Time-Honored Traditions of Montana - It's Branding Season in Big Sky Country
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