Occasionally, you may have noticed these alien-like lights in and around Great Falls and wonder what in the world they are all about.

Is this an alien invasion or a government experiment?

What in the world is going on?

I hate to burst the bubble, but the explanation lies purely in science.

This is a phenomenon called Light Pillars.

Light Pillars In Great Falls
Jason Laird
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What Are Light Pillars

As the name suggests, Light Pillars, sometimes called Sun Pillars, are just that: pillars of light that seem to protrude from the ground and extend into the sky.

Occasionally, you'll see a similar light show extending from the sky to the ground, caused by light from the sun, moon, or artificial lights in the sky.

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Light Pillars in Great Falls Montana
Jason Laird

What Causes Light Pillars

The secret behind the Sun and Light Pillars lies with millions of falling ice crystals in the Earth's atmosphere.

These ice crystals are associated with a thin, high-altitude cloud like a cirrostratus cloud.

As those clouds drift downward, they align horizontally and gently move side to side.

When light from a source such as a streetlight, runway light, or the sun reflects off its surface, it creates a column in the air.

  • Sun Pillars: These are created by sunlight, usually when the sun is near the horizon.
  • Light Pillars: These are produced by other light sources, such as the moon or streetlights.
Light Pillars in Great Falls Montana
Jason Laird

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