Pretty much everyone below the age of 40 has grown up with technology, integrated into their lives, whether they like it or not

I can still remember when my parents got our very first home computer.

It was an Apple McIntosh and weighed about as much as a small car. haha

Technology has come a long way since the first at-home computers, and it continues to change almost daily.

As soon as you figure something out with your cell phone or computer, there's an update, and everything changes.

In all fairness, staying current with constant technological changes is almost impossible.

Related Reading: HUGE Android Phone Security Flaw: What You Need To Know

Recently, I've learned a few tips and tricks with my iPhone, so I decided to further dig into some hidden features.

And here's what I learned.

10 Hidden iPhone Features

Gallery Credit: Canva

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There's a massive debate about which is better, the iPhone or the Android.

In all fairness, I've had iPhones for a very long time and have always been very impressed with them.

In the media business, Apple is the go-to for most media applications.

So, working in the industry as long as I have has, in a sense, forced me to buy the product.

I will say one nice thing about the Apple platform: Everything talks to each other very seamlessly and is incredibly easy to use overall.

However, Android and Microsoft products are more beneficial if you customize or tailor the user experience to your needs.

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Montana Cell Phone Habits That Drive Us Crazy

Fellow Montanans are fed up with these obnoxious cell phone habits.

Gallery Credit: Megan Carter

Ghosts are showing up on Cell Phones

If you see a ghost flying across the phone on your screen, I know, you may be wondering if you actually saw what just showed up and then disappeared. I am hear to let you know that you weren't dreaming it. The ghost is real on Google phones and I actually caught it!

Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio

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