Feeling lucky? How About Smith River Float Permit Lucky? Apply Now.
This only comes around once a year. And for many of us this determines what we will be doing this Spring here in Montana and if we will be taking any vacation time from work. It's Smith River float time! Well, not quite. It's time to apply for a permit.
Permit applications are being accepted now through February 15th and the drawing held on February 21st. Good luck.
Apply here.
I have only floated the Smith once and that was in 2017. In fact, I manned the boat taking two of my girlfriends. 59 river miles, 4 days navigating a fully loaded boat is work. It's the best kind of work, but it is still work. I was beat when I finally made it home but very grateful to have had that opportunity. I did not draw a permit. We went with two friends, so our party was very small compared to others. Parties of up to 15 people are allowed.
I have never drawn a permit for the Smith float. I have tried at least 10 times. Nothing. I have also tried with the Super Permit. Again, nothing.
I do suggest that you gather as many of your friends wanting to float the Smith and everyone puts in for the same dates. Better odds. I think. Again....no permit for me.
But did you know there could still be a chance to float the Smith even if you didn't draw a permit? It's true. Starting March 6th, you can call the Smith Reservation line at 406-454-5861 between 8am and 12pm to request any remaining launch dates that may be available or possibly pick up a cancelled launch date.
The Smith River was one of my greatest adventures and if you have never done this float and have the opportunity, then do it. Be prepared. But do it. Everything you need to know about being prepared and what to expect floating the Smith can be found here.
Good luck in the lottery drawing! Just remember to invite me.