Better Settings For Better Pictures: My Pictures Are Terrible and I Need Help, STAT!
Over the last few weeks, you may have found yourself wandering about my first few articles for the website. I appreciate it! However, you may have also wondered about (see what I did there?) the quality of my pictures that have accompanied them. They are not of the, shall we say, “highest” of, well let’s go with “Kodak moments” for now.
That’s where you, the reader and listener come in to play with your best tips! I am looking for all that you have in your camera bag. I’ve just started using some of the abilities of my camera phone (wait, I can pan around, and it captures the whole thing? Sorcery!) and want you to highlight what you think are the best when capturing favorite moments and memories.
Anyone know where they sell the adapter for your phone for these?
Do you have a favorite filter that you downloaded? Tell me about it! What setting for night shots are you using? Have a secret way to take the best selfie? Wildlife shots? Big Sky Montana shots? Give it all to me!
Maybe more on the serious side is the way to go?
I’ve included a few filter shots from this past weekend on the road after hitting a wrong button and realizing my phone has built in ones! (Again, more SORCERY!) Take to the comments below and I will compile a list of the best to pass on to everyone!