Urgent!  Help Return These Sentimental Items in Great Falls

There are moments within my job where I want to throw anything that might be remotely able to connect to the internet against a wall.  It isn't the hardware that gets me, but the content within the big www.com world.


And while the bad, at least some days may outweigh the greater good, I also realize that the net is here to stay.  So, when I saw a recent social media post regarding a few missing items, I realized I could make my little home on the .com a useful area, instead of the negative that I immediately felt when reading it.

Sentimental Items Taken from Home in Great Falls Recently

The original post, found here, involves a recent theft within Great Falls.  In this particular invasion, it would appear that the items taken would be general items found in most any vehicle in Montana.

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According to the post, items taken from a vehicle include:

  • ruck sack and frame
  • sandbag
  • Gerry can

Simple items, right?  Except for one of them.  One of them holds a very special sentimental value and isn't replaceable.

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How To Help Return These Items If Found, Anywhere They Are

In the photo provided by the original poster for our article, you will notice three letters stamped into it.  Those of JFZ.  According to the owner, "It has my dad’s initials “JFZ” on the frame and was his before passing away in 2020 so this has a TON of sentimental value to me."

With Permission from Nathan Zajac/Facebook
With Permission from Nathan Zajac/Facebook

Nathan states in his post that, "If you happened to buy this from a pawn shop or somewhere please pm me I’ll pay triple what you did for it. Second photo shows the back, I had rope tied to hold a 45lb plate in it. I live off base btw. I also had a sandbag and jerrycan stolen but those aren’t as important to me *I added a third photo of the sandbag that was taken as well so maybe if you see this “Iron Viking” brand which isn't sold anywhere anymore you can link it to where my Ruck is at, thank you."

We are better than this Great Falls.  Let's help to get this gentleman's ruck frame back to him immediately.

Most Wanted in Great Falls and Cascade County - June 2024

These individuals are the most wanted by Great Falls/Cascade County Crimestoppers. If you have information or tips about anyone listed in the gallery, please use the P3TIPS website or you can call 406-727-TIPS (8477).

Gallery Credit: JD Knight

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Gallery Credit: JD Knight

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Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

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