Do You Know The Legend of Falling Rock? A Family Road Trip Story.
Family road trips. Before cell phones, tablets, and handheld video games. There were other ways to stay entertained while traveling those long miles, squished in the backseat next to your little brother. You know exactly what I am talking about. Kids fighting in the back seat. It's like witnessing a miniature WWE smackdown in action, minus the folding chairs (and hopefully with fewer flying fists).
Meanwhile, the parent, tries to negotiate peace like a seasoned diplomat, offering snacks and toys as peace offerings. But in the end, you realize that kids fighting in the back seat is just as inevitable as taxes and bad hair days. Embrace the chaos and remember, someday you'll laugh about this, once you've regained your hearing and sanity!

My Dad would tell us stories, or should I say legends. One of my favorites was the Legend of Falling Rock. You've seen the sign, but do you know what that sign really means? Watch for Falling Rock, the mighty hunter.
A long, long time ago the beautiful daughter of the Indian chief was going to be married. She was in love with a young brave, but there was another brave in love with her. Her father the Chief, gave them a challenge. The brave who completed the challenge better than the other one, would marry his daughter. The brave who had the most successful hunt would win the challenge.
Both braves took off into the woods. Months went by. Finally one of the braves returns to the village. The brave that the maiden did not want to marry. He had two bears, three raccoons, five deer, and 10 squirrels. The chief was happy, but the maiden insisted on waiting for the brave she loved.
Years and years go by. Finally, the maiden asked for help with finding her love. Watch for Falling Rock, are her signs, asking you to keep an eye out for her love, Falling Rock. To this day, the Chief's daughter is still looking for Falling Rock.
The next time you take off on a family road trip, and pass a Watch For Falling Rock sign, keep the legend alive and share the story.
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