So, you collect rocks? What are you going to do with all those rocks?
If you know me, then you know I am a collector of rocks. All kinds of rocks. Small rocks, large rocks, colorful rocks, and rocks of all shapes. But what to do with all these rocks I bring home? I can't just keep piling them up in the corner of my yard because my husband wants to know what my plans are.
Here are some ideas I found online that I absolutely love and wanted to pass along to other rock collectors or maybe these ideas will get you started on collecting rocks. I have not been able to do all of these projects but a few of the photo's below are what I have done with rocks to help decorate around the house & yard.
Painting rocks with the kiddo's is a great activity for everyone. You can take this step a bit further by hiding your painted rocks around town and posting to social media. Check out Great Falls Rocks.
Rock beds and boarders.
Here are a few ways to help decorate your home with rocks. I filled up a glass bowl and vase, with my favorite tumbled rocks that I have collected over the years. I also added a string of small decorative lights I picked up for under $6.
Last but not least is my rock cairns. Simple. Just start stacking those flat round rocks! You can epoxy the rocks together or drill a hole in the middle of each rock and use a metal dowel to hold the rocks in place.
Keep collecting those rocks! It's a great outdoor hobby that keeps you active and doesn't cost you an arm and a leg.