Cops In Montana Are Looking Out For These Car Issues

Even the most law-abiding person gets a little bit nervous when they see the flashing lights behind them while driving.

There are instances where you could be pulled over, not for speeding or reckless driving but because of an issue with your car.

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A woman being pulled over in her car with flashing lights behind her and a graphic of a police badge

Why Police Will Pull You Over For Car Issues

You've probably heard the slogan that many police departments across America have adopted that states, "To Protect and to Serve."

Well, one way they can protect is by stopping people whose vehicles pose a danger not just to the driver but to other drivers on the road.

It's not fun to get pulled over, but by the police enforcing these vehicle regulations, it reduces accidents on Montana roads along with helping to promote safer driving habits for all.

READ MORE: 3 Helpful Reasons Why Montana Police Touch Your Car When Stopped

Two police officers smiling while standing next to their patrol cars

How To Prevent Being Stopped By A Cop

Maintaining your vehicle—even just walking around your car before you head off for the day—can reduce your chances of getting a ticket.

You can spot things that could be broken or not working properly that need to be fixed or replaced.

It's not cheap to fork over the money to make vehicle repairs, but while most police will give you one warning for the following issues, if you continue to ignore the problem and get pulled over repeatedly, it will cost you more in the end.

So check out the list below and then check your vehicle to make sure you're staying safe and ticket-free when driving in Montana.

7 Car Issues Guaranteed To Get You Pulled Over In Montana

Here are 7 vehicle issues that could get you pulled over or a ticket from law enforcement in the state of Montana

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

LOOK: Cool Car Features We Kind of Miss

Kids these days don't know what they're missing out on! But hey, let's be real, some of those old car features were pretty awesome. Yeah, they might've been a bit risky and even tried to kill us, but they made our rides feel way cooler.

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

KEEP READING: There are 14 Things Montana Police Do Not Want You to Know

Police in Montana have a pretty hard job. That also means they do not want you to know everything about how they do their job. A new list shows some things that police do not want you to know about them.

Gallery Credit:, Getty Images,

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