Are You Working In A Career With The Most Burnout In Montana

Even the best of jobs at some point can get very stressful and lead to burnout.

Unfortunately there are some jobs that get there faster than others and the workers who suffer from it end up quitting the profession all together.

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A man in a suit with his head exploding into a cloud of smoke with the word stress above it

Are You Suffering From Burnout In Montana

When it comes to burnout, people need to realize it's not just being tired or a general boredom of you job.

It's a combination of fatigue, stress, lack of support, a feeling of an inability to advance, basically just a poor overall work culture that can and will lead to burnout.

If you've never suffered from burnout count yourself lucky, because when it hits, it'll make you wonder why you even choose your profession.

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A man sits in an office in the dark staring at a laptop screen with a graphic showing a battery charge at zero in a silhouette of a head symbolizing a brain drain

How Can You Stop Burnout In Your Life

The website Life Health, which is where we got the top 10 jobs with the most burnout, has 5 tips on how to avoid burnout.

  1. Set Boundaries: This means letting your job know there a clear line between work and personal time.
  2. Communication: Let your superiors know about your concerns about your workload to prevent burnout before it starts.
  3. Say No: This is a hard one depending on your upbringing, but get comfortable saying no to taking on more than you can handle.
  4. Self-Care: Find hobbies or activities that revolve around relaxation.
  5. Prioritize Tasks: Tackle your biggest tasks first and delegate or eliminate those with less importance to prevent feeling overwhelmed.

Even with those tips the following careers are prone to the highest burnout in Montana.

10 High-Stress Jobs That Lead To Burnout the Fastest

Ah, burnout. There's nothing like finding your dream job only to realize that the workload, deadlines, and endless additions to your job description are more of a nightmare. used an article published by, who recently combed through data available on LinkedIn to determine which careers have the shortest median tenure in a job role. Here's a look at the 10 Careers That Lead to Burnout the Fastest.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

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Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

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