Montana Criminals - The Two Most Wanted in the State

I am going to blame this one on Hollywood because when I think of a marshal, I think of Matt Dillon or Lone Wolf McQuaid.  Can't help it.  And while the look of a United States Marshal may have changed, the criminals they chase haven't.


In Montana, the US Marshals service is currently tracking two individuals that are at the top of the list of most wanted in the state.

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Justice, Integrity and Service Across Montana and the US

The US Marshals Service's mission is "to enforce federal laws and provide support to virtually all elements of federal justice system through multiple disciplines."  They are also the nation's oldest and most versatile federal law enforcement agency.

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And for a criminal to make the most wanted list with the marshal service, the crime would have to be pretty bad, right?  Indeed, they are.  And the two most wanted are definitely on the "don't approach" side of the law.

The Two Most Wanted Men in the State of Montana

For state and federal marshals, two men are at the top of the list in our state.  The first has been on the lam for over 13 years in Montana:

David Earl Burgert, Jr. website website

His wanted sheet includes:

  • Burgert is wanted in the District of Montana for Violating Conditions of his Supervised Release. Burgert's also wanted for firing upon Missoula County Sheriff's Deputies on June 12, 2011.
  • Burgert is believed to be armed and should be considered extremely dangerous.
  • Burgert has intense hatred and hostility towards law enforcement and the government.
  • Burgert is a skilled survivalist and outdoorsman.
  • Burgert may be mentally unstable.
  • If you have seen David Earl Burgert do not attempt to apprehend but contact local law Enforcement (911) or U.S. Marshals in Missoula, MT (406) 329-3625.

Also highlighted as a most wanted fugitive in Montana is:

Jesse Allen Pearson website website

His wanted sheet includes:

Pearson is wanted in the District of Montana for violating the terms of supervised release following a conviction for felon in possession of a firearm.  If you have information regarding Pearson, contact the United States Marshals Service at (406) 247-7030.

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