Self Checkout Was Introduced To America In 1986

That's hard to believe, isn't it? I had no idea. However, Wikipedia says it wasn't until the early aughts that self checkout became more mainstream. By 2013 there were 191,000 self check outs all over the world.

self checkouts started in 1986

There Are A Lot Of Positives About Self Checkout For Businesses

From Wikipedia:

  • Some people (like the author, I'm some people) do NOT like interacting with checkout people. I prefer the solitude and lack of small talk that comes from using self-checkout
  • Lower overhead. One person oversees many check out stations
  • Self checkout can be faster than other check out

The One Glaring Negative That May Ruin It For Everyone

  • Shoplifting

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Walmart Has Come Up With An Angle That May Save Self Checkout

The Daily Mail reports that on Walmart brands, Great Value, there are hidden barcodes.

Hidden barcodes?

This isn't new at all. Back in 2019, a company called Digimarc introduced Walmart to barcodes that can not be seen with a naked eye, but are literally printed all over the packaging of a Great Value item. Scanners pick them up instantly.

This almost eliminates the "fake scan" shoplifting crime where you show the camera that an item is being run over the scanner, when the barcode is nowhere near the scanner.

thief at self checkout montana

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I LOVE This Scanner Idea

All the stores and businesses in the world, please start doing this invisible barcode thing.  Not only will it keep my beloved self checkout stands running, it will stop some of the theft. I think it will make scanning stuff for us honest folks easier, as well.

Long Live Self Checkout

20 Things You Can Never Return At A Montana Walmart

Before you hit that "Add to Cart" button or fill up your cart at Walmart, there are a few things that the big box store is selling that you will need to keep forever. Below are 20 items you can never return to a Walmart store. (And I'm really glad that a few of these are on the list!)

Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio

Montana Walmart Emergency Codes

Some Walmart intercom codes involve the use of different colors. Each color is linked to a particular event or situation occurring in the store.

The significance of these color-coded alerts can range from relatively significant incidents to potentially critical, life-threatening situations. Understanding what these codes imply is crucial for Walmart employees. This understanding ensures they can promptly take required safety steps as and when necessary.

Hopefully, you'll never hear these codes announced at Walmart, but if you do, at least you'll know what they mean, and how you should act accordingly.

Most Purchased Items from Walmart Stores

Here is a look at the items purchased most often at Walmart stores.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

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