We've been fortunate this year; up until this point, no West Nile cases have been reported in Montana.

However, state and local health officials recently announced the first detection of West Nile in Montana this year.

Four counties—Blaine, Dawson, Prairie, and Wibaux—have identified mosquitoes carrying the virus.

2024 WNV Season Case Summary
State Of Montana
Second Confirmed Case Of The West Nile Virus
Getty Images

West Nile Virus Detected In Montana Mosquitos

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, six mosquito pools in the counties listed above tested positive for West Nile virus.

According to authorities, Montana generally sees the first human or horse West Nile virus cases within about two weeks of the virus' detection.

WNV Map Montana
State Of Montana

West Nile Virus Risk Of Infection

“Infection can result in minor or severe illness, including death,” warns DPHHS Vectorborne Disease Epidemiologist Devon Cozart.

Even a mild West Nile virus can leave a person feeling fatigued and sick for weeks.

Horses are also at risk of WNV infection.

West Nile Virus Mosquitoes Return Early To California
Getty Images

Symptoms of West Nile Virus

According to health officials, most people who are infected with West Nile virus won't have any symptoms at all.

Only about one and five people will develop a minor illness.

Symptoms of West Nile and the virus include headaches, rashes, body aches, joint pain, fatigue, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Some people will experience body aches weeks after the initial infection.

Only about one in every 150 infections develop a severe disease which is known as neuroinvasive West Nile.

This disease can cause severe neurological symptoms such as disorientation, paralysis, vision loss, and even death.

Mosquitoes Tested For West Nile
Getty Images

The 4 Ds of Mosquito Bite Prevention

  1. DEET: Use insect repellent containing DEET or picaridin.
  2. Drain: Regularly drain standing water around the house to prevent mosquito breeding.
  3. Dawn/Dusk: Avoid being outdoors when mosquitoes are most active during dawn and dusk.
  4. Dress: Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants to reduce exposure to mosquito bites.

For more information about WNV protection and surveillance activities, contact your local health department or the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services.

Read Next: Dress To Repel Mosquitos With These Colorful Wardrobe Tips

The 8 Smells Montana Mosquitoes Hate The Most

Mosquito season is here and if you want to avoid Montana's most annoying pest, try wearing these 8 scents, which you can find just about anywhere.

Most of these can be found at your local grocery store.

Why do mosquitoes hate these scents so much? Most of them mess with the mosquito's sensory gland in its nose, which helps drive the pest off.

Story Source: Pest Pointers Website

Gallery Credit: Ben Kuhns

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