Montana Winters Can Be Rough

We are so close to the official start of Winter in Montana but Montana doesn't wait for arbitrary things like when winter "officially" starts. Snow is here in Montana and there are kids who are tired of being couped up inside. My kids have been begging for something fun to do while the snow continues to pile up so I came up with a list of a few things to do with your kids this winter!

READ MORE: Why We Need The Snow In Montana

Montana Winter Activities For The Whole Family

What To Do With Kids In The Cold

There are plenty of winter activities that cost money and some places in Great Falls you can go to spend time indoors. If you don't feel like taking the kids to McDonalds to play in the play place then this article is for you!

Affordable Winter Activities For Kids In Montana

Fun things to do this winter with your family that won't break the bank

Gallery Credit: Jenni Allen

READ MORE: Winter Resources For Homeless In Montana

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Playtime Is What You Make Of It

These all of course depend on the temperatures and how well your kiddos can tolerate the cold but if they are dressed appropriately then you should be able to get some energy out of them and have them ready to sleep the night away.

The biggest part of any activity with kids is making sure you are excited. If you are dreading taking them somewhere they will dread being there. So, make it a fun trip for you and your family by being present and embrace the silliness. You will find yourself enjoying the time with the kids as much as they enjoy spending it with you.

Sure Fire Ways To Stay Safe In Big Sky Country Winters

Winter can be brutal here in Montana. Be safe and be prepared.

Gallery Credit: Jenni Allen

11 Winter Survival Items You Should Keep in Your Vehicle

Getting stranded in a snowstorm is scary. In the Dakotas, storms can move in fast and weather patterns can shift quickly. To be prepared is a winter necessity and here are 11 items to keep in your vehicle.

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