Can You Believe This Practice Is Not Banned Statewide?

Montana is a very unique state in that we don't just follow along with national trends.

Yet, it feels like we might want to get on board with the other 49 states in America when it comes to a certain activity.

READ MORE: 9 Startling Foods That Are Legal In Montana, Forbidden Elsewhere

A woman holding a book titled "the law"

Why Isn't This Activity Illegal In Montana?

While Montana might be leaning pretty conservative lately, we've had a very independent libertarian streak going back many years.

For the most part, Montana residents have had a "don't bother me, I won't bother you" attitude toward the way we created our laws.

So I get why we haven't passed a statewide ban; however, this activity, while not bothering anyone, has the potential to cause harm or even death to those around them.

READ NEXT: One Unique Spot In Montana Where It’s 100% Illegal To Take Photos

a woman holds her cell phone in her hand while driving

Use Of Handheld Cell Phones Is Legal In Certain Places In Montana

That's right Montana is the only state in America without a statewide ban on the use of your cell phone while driving.

There are plenty of cities and even a few counties in Montana that have enacted laws and fines to curb this activity.

There are some that feel a statewide ban won't actually stop anyone from using their cell phone in the car. To that end, I say, I was pulled over about 7 years ago for talking on my cell phone, and the fine was big enough that I went out and got a Bluetooth receiver for my car so I could go hands-free.

Montana Cell Phone Habits That Drive Us Crazy

Fellow Montanans are fed up with these obnoxious cell phone habits.

Gallery Credit: Megan Carter

KEEP READING: 9 Activities Police in MT Consider Distracted Driving

April is Distracted Driver Awareness Month in Montana, part of the National Highway Transportation Safety Board's 'UDrive. UText. UPay.' campaign. But being 'distracted' is so much more than just texting while driving.

Gallery Credit: Heather DeLuca

BEAUTIFUL: These Are The Best Scenic Drives In Montana

Thanks to Stacker we know now that these are the 16 most scenic drives in Montana according to Trip Advisor.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

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