Montana Residents Asked To Avoid These Travel Destinations

Mark Twain, who was known to have a way with words, was quoted once as saying, "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness."

I couldn't agree more, as I have learned so much and met so many wonderful new people in my travels, but sadly, there are some places that should be avoided when traveling.


U.S. Government Says Do Not Travel Here

It's amazing how easy it is to travel from one place to another these days, when just a century ago most people traveled by train or boat.

That meant at that time most people didn't travel abroad too often, which also meant you didn't have to worry much about war or conflict with opposing governments.

Today, though, the world is much smaller with the ability to travel internationally easier, and because of that, the Bureau of Consular Affairs has compiled a list of "Do Not Travel" locations to avoid.

The word Avoid written in red on a white background wiht a magnifying glass highlighting the "oid" in avoid

Looking Out For American and Montana Citizens

The Bureau of Consular Affairs main purpose is to lookout for the well-being of both traveling and working citizens of both Montana and America.

So while you and I may never plan to visit these locations, some people might not have a choice, and it's good that we have someone or something to help them should things go sideways.

We are only taking a look at some of the more dangerous locations, but for all locations and their travel advisory level, see the full list here.

LOOK: The Current U.S. Government's Do Not Travel List

As of October 2024, the following countries and regions were on the State Department's 'DoNot Travel' list. Check out the latest list HERE.

KEEP READING: Don't Even Try To Bring These 19 Items On Board At A Montana Airport

These items won't be allowed on your next flight, be that carry on or checked bags, so just leave them at home to be safe.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

These 10 United States Airports Have the Worst TSA Wait Times

According to, if you're traveling through one of these airports you should prepare for a longer TSA screening experience.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

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